Wednesday 13 August 2008

Does love stay forever and never change?

Love like everything else on this planet has a beginning and an end, or should I rather say a changing point, because it doesn’t necessarily end but change. The change is its growth; in order to grow there ought to be change. Funny enough we believe it lasts for ever the way it is, or the way we have encountered it at first. We expect it not to ever change and stay how it was when we first encountered it forever.
Do we neglect our kids just because they don’t look as cute or are as innocent as they use to be as little babies when they grow up? No we don’t or shouldn’t.
So why do we do it or have the tendency of doing it when it comes to love?
When love is suppose to be loved and treated like a child and loved for what it is and what it will grow into.


Anonymous said...

"LOVE, it does stay forever and never changes. LOVE is just lost and needs to be found. We all get lost at time so why cant love. Love is with us from the begining and will always be there."

Anonymous said...

This is My Opinion, there is no such thing as true love, its just the amount of respect that you have developed for that person knowing you would not like to dissappoint them but who's that respect began to change or if we loose that respect thats when we realise that it was not love, never "true love".
For what ever reason we like someone for we just have accept the fact that *respect* is what it is .

Anonymous said...

The Bible says "For God so Loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son" Love never ends. Yeah sometimes we forget how to love! The Bible also says Love is patient , love is kind! Love never fails!!!