Wednesday 20 August 2008

Is love egoistic?

Is love egoistic?

Yes I believe it is because most people feel they gain possession, control or have the right to exclusivity towards something or someone they love. Hey MY love, I want you to love ME, my love belongs to you, how can you love two people at the same time. If you would love me then you wouldn’t do this or that. Why do you do this don’t you love me etc. We have all heard or used these lines at some point in our life and they are all self centred, the indicate that you expect someone to do something or not do something out of an feeling and emotion that you will have when they do it. if you ask someone what is love they may answer well gods love is true love.
So let’s take this answer. So if we agree that gods, alas, love is the purest love and true love. Then we also know that his love is everything else but self centred, cause we know we are forgiven for our mistakes. Well so is the believe is several religions. So if we define his love as true love and we are in pursued of perfection or growth, then shouldn’t our goal be, to achieve the same kind of love for others or and for the ones we claim to love or hold true love for? But this is easier said then done for the majority of people.
Because by saying that we have to be able to take our state of mine out of the me and turn it into them he or she.So do I believe most people love egoistic and love contrary to what it should be I believe so. Do most people love egoistically, yes! Is it love yes! Is it true love no.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate the saying "God is Love" it's nice, it's cute, it's something parents tell their kids to make them feel all good inside, but if you read your Bible you know saying "God Is Love" is placing God in a box and locking it! God is so much more than Love, God is Joy, God is Peace, God is Harmony, God is Vengeance,God is Justice, God is Life, God is Everything!! The Bible says that God is the alpha and the omega which means the beginning and the end, he is all knowing, he is everything! When you compare a "human being" to God you are sort of right because God did make us in his image, he set us higher than the angels but he did not make us Gods!! Remember this though, since we are "made in God's Image" we as human beings are joy, happiness, life, love, vengeance, justice etc etc. and God gave us "free will" so says the Bible which allows us all as human beings to think and act differently then our neighbors. So you say "why keep love in a box, why have limitations?? etc??" well I don't believe you should put love in a box, but if you are committed to someone their should be some self-control, this shows you are not self-centered because "cheating" or "hurting" someone you care about or love is what is self-centered. Love is an emotion and while it's great to lose control of your emotions sometimes, controlling your emotions shows maturity, devotion,self-control and respect! For example most psychotic people eg. serial killers do not have or refuse to have control of their emotions. If you feel that having "boundaries" in a relationship is placing you in a box, then the way you view love is very open-ended and you choose to have little or no "self-control" but that's what you choose, it's not something you should force on others or get others to believe because we all have "free will" given to us by God who has made us full of life and how you choose to live your life and express yourself through emotions is purely up to you.